Pool Table services in Dover

Pool Table services in Dover

Does your billiard table need repair? Are you moving or need to recover an existing pool table? Call on the experts at Exquisite Billiards. From start to finish, Exquisite Billiards ensures the high level of quality work and service committed to every customer. We take pride in our work, with over 10 years of experience! Services offered: POOL TABLE INSTALLATION POOL TABLE MOVING POOL TABLE RECOVERING / RE-FELTING POOL TABLE RE-BUMPER POOL TABLE DISASSEMBLY COMMERCIAL POOL TABLE SERVICES POOL TABLE SUPPLIES Exquisite Billiard is committed to making your service needs our priority. Professionals are highly trained and certified to deliver the best experience possible. We only use the highest quality tables, tools, and materials, including a machinist level that provides exceptional accuracy when leveling your pool table. So call (302)747-8676 and set your appointment today! AND be sure to check us out on Facebook @Exquisitebilliards Pool Tables